Good Vs. Evil

Now is the time to choose. People are waking up all over the globe and beginning to understand what is really happening under the guise of politics. There are literal demonic forces that have intensified the evil we are currently facing. All truth-tellers from Tucker Carlson to Elon Musk to Robert F. Kennedy Jr. are out in full-force to put truth on steroids so that everyone can receive the message. It’s incredibly refreshing to hear honest words from brave souls who are committed to sharing truth, with the goal of creating a communication network to echo their words and reach the masses. And thanks to Elon Musk’s free-speech platform, X, they can make that happen in real time—which is of urgent importance as we approach the coming election. 

Censorship or Freedom of Speech 

Someone once said, those who want to censor others are usually those who are most afraid of being censored themselves. There are many other thought-provoking quotes on censorship, but this one really sums it up perfectly. And when you apply that philosophy to the current geopolitical atmosphere, it makes it so easy to discern who is telling the truth from who is hiding the truth. Let’s recall…. who wants to censor free speech in California because he doesn’t like memes or parody? Governor Gavin Newsom—that’s right folks, the same guy who pushed Covid lockdowns, vaccines and mask mandates while he dined and partied (mask-free) at the famous, three-Michelin-star restaurant, The French Laundry. (Wasn’t that also the same time Nancy Pelosi was sneaking around unmasked in that beauty salon getting her hair done?) 

And then there’s Brazilian judge and politician, Alexandre de Moraes, who has completely banned “X” in the country of Brazil. According to the Associated Press, “On. Aug. 31, Musk’s social media platform was banned nationwide, and de Moraes set a $9,000 daily fine for anyone using a virtual private network (VPN) to skirt the suspension.” Keep in mind, this is the same country that millions of citizens continue to believe their 2022 election was stolen.  

So, when we start connecting the dots, it’s apparent that the individuals that are hell-bent on censoring, are the ones trying to hide something…. could that be the work of SATAN? (said the Church Lady from SNL circa 1990)  


Well, if you’re too young to remember this iconic character played by Dana Carvey on SNL, go to Youtube and see some of the old skits. You won’t be disappointed!  

If Her Lips Are Moving It Must be a Lie 

But on a serious note, it most likely IS Satan, since he is the father of deceit. We all learned a long time ago that when we listen to that little devil on our shoulder (instead of the angel), we’re making the wrong choice. We’re choosing evil when we lie, and children as young as four years old understand that when they choose to lie, they won’t get the cookie. But even worse—they feel a sense of shame because their deepest desire is approval and love from their parents. However, some kids grow up to be psychopaths who almost believe their own lies. Something changed within their character to become devoid of any shame, which can lead to pathological lying. Unfortunately, this appears to be a fair description of many people in power today. Of course, we all know that every politician colors the truth a bit like a used car salesman; however, the narcissistic, pathological and duplicitous machines that have come to power this millennium have taken dishonesty to an epic level.  

Just do a quick internet search to fact check Kamala Harris. There are dozens of examples—here are just a few: 

Claim: “The majority of women are minimum wage workers.” (April 22, 2019) Fact-check: This claim is false. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, in 2019, only about 33% of women working full-time, year-round earned minimum wage or less. 

Claim: “The Trump administration is ‘raiding money’ from military service member pensions to pay for the border wall.” (March 8, 2019) Fact-check: This claim is false. The Trump administration did not use military pension funds for the border wall. 

Claim: “As of today, there is not one member of the United States military who is in active duty in a combat zone in any war zone around the world, the first time this century.” (September 10, 2024) Fact-check: Our troops in the Middle East are absolutely in a combat zone, under attack from Iran, which the Biden-Harris administration has allowed to grow more aggressive in its use of proxies.  

Isn’t it curious as to why ABC commentators never fact-checked any of Kamala Harris’ claims? But wait—withholding information that rebukes a lie is another form of dishonesty. So, the mainstream media is part of the “lying game”? Aha! Another dot connected! Yes, the MSM is essentially the propaganda arm of the Democratic Party. Which, by the way, since Elon Musk took over X, usage is growing exponentially, with last month receiving 4.3 billion visits! So, now you understand why Brazilian judge, Alexandre de Moraes, sees this platform as such a threat and had it completely banned. It’s one of the last remaining bastions of free speech.  

Too Late to Apologize 

And now that Mark Zuckerburg has finally admitted to censoring information on his platforms (Facebook and Instagram) during Covid and the 2020 presidential election, more people are aware of his role in suppressing information and the truth. According to the NY Post, Zuckerberg confirmed what most of us already knew.  

“Democrats and the Biden administration pressured Meta to use its vast social-media reach to gaslight the American people about everything from COVID to the 2020 presidential election

This Orwellian nightmare, in part, enabled four years of Democratic overreach and incompetence that has wrecked our economy, destroyed our border and weakened national security.” 

George Tried to Warn Us 

So, there you have it. The amount of lying, covering up and hiding the truth by those in authority or those who have the financial means to control the levers of conversation has never been higher. There aren’t enough shovels in the world to put a dent in the global pile of excrement that has amassed over the past few years. But there are those who are shining the light of truth. And for most of us, we can instinctively detect when lies are being told. This is a gift from God that the Marxists are trying desperately to make us doubt. This is exactly what George Orwell was trying to warn us about in his famous dystopian novel, 1984. “The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” 

That’s where we’re at, folks. They’re trying to make us deny what we clearly see and hear. Orwell called this “doublethink.”  

Doublethink: the act of simultaneously accepting two mutually contradictory beliefs as correct. According to Winston Smith, the protagonist of 1984, doublethink is “to know and not to know, to be conscious of complete truthfulness while telling carefully constructed lies, to hold simultaneously two opinions which cancelled out, knowing them to be contradictory and believing in both of them, to use logic against logic, to repudiate morality while laying claim to it, to believe that democracy was impossible and that the Party was the guardian of democracy… Even to understand the word—doublethink—involved the use of doublethink.” Four examples of doublethink used throughout 1984 include the slogans: War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength, and 2 + 2 = 5. 

Word Salad Hypocrisy 

We can see this theory applied to the way the Left uses words like “tolerance,” “inclusive,” and “hate speech.” In reality, they are the least tolerant of differing viewpoints, and they have completely turned the meaning of “inclusive” upside down with their DEI (Diversity, Equity & Inclusion) programs that encourage discriminatory hiring and promotion practices (Remember when James O’Keefe caught IBM red-handed?).  And “hate speech” is so inverted that it’s ok for Nancy Pelosi and Maxine Watters to call for acts of aggression against Trump supporters, but if President Trump says “Fight, fight, fight” after he was shot in the face, he is inciting violence.  


Leave No Room for Error (or Cheating) 

We are at the most critical moment in our lifetime, and if we don’t make the right choice in November, it will impact generations for years to come. President Trump is right when he says that if Kamala Harris is elected, we may lose our country forever. We all need to shine our lights of truth at full capacity and stand up to those in power who we know are lying to our face. We need to show courage at a time when we are being shamed to say what is true and contrary to the cultural narrative. We need to choose good over evil—our future depends on it!