Make Columbus Day Great Again

It seems like the Left wants nothing more than to cancel our entire cultural history. They want to erase history so that we can “become unburdened by what has been.” You know, like Mao tried to do in his reign of terror. During Mao Zedong’s control, the Communist Party of China (CPC) actively sought to erase traditional Chinese culture and history, purging the country of perceived bourgeois and feudal influences.

Sound familiar? Looks like we know where the Left got their playbook. But why Columbus Day?

Many believe that removing Columbus Day is an attempt to erase or rewrite history, replacing traditional American holidays with ones that fit a more progressive narrative. For the social Marxists this change symbolizes a broader cultural shift away from traditional Western or Christian values towards what they might describe as secular, multicultural, or even anti-Western ideologies. It can be viewed as a way to signal virtue or align with progressive politics, where acknowledging past wrongs is part of a larger political strategy for social change.

X content creator, Courtside Kev believes Communism is the goal:

courtside kev tweet

Many Italian Americans are Not Having it!

Some Italian Americans see Columbus Day as a significant moment to celebrate their heritage, especially given the historical context where Italian immigrants faced significant discrimination in the U.S. For them, Columbus Day was not just about Christopher Columbus himself but about gaining recognition and respect for Italian contributions to America. The cancellation or rebranding of Columbus Day can feel like a dismissal of this identity marker, leading to feelings of erasure or diminished cultural recognition.

Erasing our History

These movements to erase our history have been accelerated in recent years as the Socialist Democrats move further left. Remember when Antifa was tearing down statues of political leaders because they were slave owners or committed some other sin they deemed as unfit by their progressive belief system? Which is really rich when you compare to their acts of overt violence and complete disregard for the rule of law.

Are Historic Figures Supposed to be Perfect?

As human beings, none of us are perfect. Even our religious leaders had their flaws. King David himself committed terrible sins (he had the husband of the woman he was lusting after murdered so he could have her to himself). Sinful behavior is not exempt for those who lead us on this earth. We all know this, but this does not expunge the good things they have done or the role they played in building our nations and providing opportunities for the masses.

Did Christopher Columbus commit sins? Of course he did. Does that mean he didn’t play a critical role in discovering our country? No. Should Thomas Jefferson be forever admonished because he owned slaves in a time where that was the norm? No. As a matter of fact, it is because the Founding Fathers believed in freedom and built our nation on Judeo-Christian values that we were able to evolve to irradicate the evils of slavery that have been here since the beginning of the human race.

What Would Jesus Do?

In John 8:7, Jesus responds to those who sought to stone a woman accused of adultery. He says, “Let him who is without sin among you be the first to cast a stone at her.” This quote highlights Jesus’ emphasis on moral integrity and the importance of self-examination before judging others.

Jesus’ statement is not about perfectionism, but rather about acknowledging one’s own sinfulness before condemning others. He is pointing out the hypocrisy of those who would stone the woman, implying that they themselves are not without sin. By saying “he who is without sin,” Jesus is emphasizing the impossibility of finding someone who meets this standard, thereby rendering the act of stoning unjust.

In essence, Jesus is teaching that those who would judge others must first examine their own hearts and acknowledge their own flaws and shortcomings. Only then can they rightfully condemn or correct others. This quote serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of humility, mercy, and compassion in our interactions with others.

Happy Columbus Day

On behalf of Mammoth Nation, we honor the tradition of recognizing Columbus Day. We look forward to a time when this era of Leftist mass hysteria over our history is acknowledged for what it truly is. They are trying to erase God…and that will never happen!