Mammoth Nation Proudly Endorses President Trump!

No big secret here… Mammoth Nation proudly endorses President Donald J. Trump for the 47th President of The United States of America.  Not only does President Trump deserve to win, he must win in order to save our country.

For those paying attention, the MAGA movement continues to expand with some truly diverse members who have had it with the so-called “tolerant” Left.  That’s right… the party that is accused of racism, misogyny, xenophobia, and just about any negative term that hints at exclusion is the one that is welcoming more and more diverse individuals than ever before. Much to the Democrats’ chagrin, the MAGA - America First party is no longer the party of rich old white guys. On the contrary, many people from all different walks of life have found their place under this welcoming tent. Yes, the party has changed drastically and has now become the party for the people.

Not Your Father’s Democrat Party

Not that long ago, the Democrats were seemingly the party of compassion and humanity, championing civil rights, unions, and ‘the little guy.’ But over time, that veil had been lifted to show their true colors, and now so many have woken up to the ‘woke’ lies to understand that the Democratic Party is now only concerned with carrying forward the elite globalist agenda of Marxism. That’s right—they are shilling for the rich billionaires who are members of the World Economic Forum, the World Health Organization, NATO, the UN, and other NGOs whose goal is to make Klaus Schwab’s dream come true. You know, the “you will own nothing and be happy” thing.

The Democrats have marshalled in the old RINOs (Republicans in Name Only) and are now the war-monger party. This is how they shift wealth to the global oligarchs, who need to pad their coffers so they can rule over the masses in great style, competing for who has the most lavish yachts, private jets, mansions and private islands. And how are they paying for it? You guessed it, our hard-earned tax dollars! This is so antithetical to the vision of our Founding Fathers of making America a place of freedom and opportunity for anyone who works hard. (Remember when we refused to pay taxes on tea?)

Just look at the major Democrats today. Barrack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, the Clintons, the Bidens, Chuck Schumer, Mark Cuban, billionaire athletes, most all of Hollywood and Wall Street to name a few. What do they all have in common? Power, money, and influence. They are all preaching to us on why it is necessary to keep them in power because only they can secure our democracy by keeping the evil orange man away from the White House.

How many times have we heard them say “Donald Trump is a threat to our democracy” because he’s a total racist filled with hate, and a Hitleresque demon who only cares about himself?  These are blatant lies and a well-choreographed smear campaign by a corrupt Mainstream Media, that’s owned and controlled by these same oligarchs. 

Hitleresque demon who only cares about himself! FAKE NEWS!

The Great Awakening

Because freedom of speech is still legal in America, truth warriors such as Tucker Carlson, Alex Jones, Julian Assange, Dan Bongino, Mammoth Nation, and many more can now speak the truth and share it with the world (or, at least with the countries that have not banned “X”). And speaking of “X,” if Elon Musk hadn’t scooped up that platform when he did, people may not have been able to become awakened in time to make a difference. But they have. And it’s a beautiful thing to watch—people from every walk of life, people of every skin color, every gender (yes, there are only two), every social standing, and every religion literally waking up to the truth and sharing it with others with their impassioned videos of how they had it all wrong, but now see the light.

One great example is celebrity podcaster, Russell Brand, the ex-British bad boy addict who has found Jesus along his journey of discovering truth. Previously a Lefty fave, Brand now prays publicly without shame and does not back down from the truth. He is a true inspiration, as we are all sinners with the promise of redemption when we follow Christ. Blessed with a remarkable wit and intelligence to communicate in an engaging fashion, Brand (@rustyrockets) is using that gift to help awaken the world about the political lying machine as he shares his faith. (Who had THAT on their bingo card for 2024?)

The MAGA Republican party has greatly  benefitted from this awakening, attracting Democrats who actually care about our country to step into the movement. It is so exciting to have Robert F. Kennedy on board, with his vast knowledge and passion for Making America Healthy Again! Also, American politician, United States Army Reserve officer, and conservative political commentator, Tulsi Gabbard has joined the movement—a true warrior and freedom fighter. And, of course, Elon Musk, who is such an amazing, powerful partner and force for good.

Trump Must Win!

There are many other notable examples of eyes being opened, and when they are, they can’t go back to the deception of the Democratic party. Anyone who understands the truth understands that if Donald Trump does not win, our country will continue to lose our freedom. We most likely will become a communist nation betrothed to the Great Reset Agenda, with the goal to squeeze out the middle class so the globalists can have the rights to every property and natural resource while controlling the masses through digital social scoring and other Orwellian measures. That is NOT an exaggeration—it is inevitable, and that’s why every person who is truly awake needs to not only vote but help spread the truth so that others may know why it is imperative to vote for Trump. A vote for Trump is a courageous vote for truth and a vote for the freedom of future generations.