Banshee Helicopter
Banshee Helicopter
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- Regular Price: $69.99
- Member Price: $62.99 (Save $7.00)
- Manufactured / Assembled in:
- United States
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Product Description:
Heroes wanted! This bad boy is a lot bigger than it looks, the Banshee is an armored attack helicopter gunship. It has six fixed-mounted machine guns, quad landing gear, a rotating three blade rotor, and rotating tail rotor. This beast will provide you with hours of enjoyment!
Set includes 242 Lux Blox and accessories:
- 115 (gray/olive) squares
- 23 black squares
- 75 (white/olive) trigons
- 9 black trigons
- 7 #5 axles
- 8 #2 axles
- 1 square wheel
- 4 trigon wheels
- Available in snow and woodland!
- Dimensions when completed: long - fuselage length, width, 8” height, 21” rotor diameter
Heroes six and up!