Gentle Lady Boutique

Conservative, Tasteful Clothing & Accessories for Women

  • Veteran Owned

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Day Dresses - Party Dresses - Everyday Attire - Beach Attire - Accessories - Headgear - Shoes

Our goal is to offer women classic clothing choices, both modern and vintage cuts.

Let's Cancel and Replace Woke Retailers Together!
We look for trendy "fashion features" starting in the early 1900s and forward in time: midi hemlines, sheer fabrics, embroidered fabrics, exotic prints, conservative necklines, drop-waists, embellished materials, uniformed dresses, and maxi hemlines. We have contemporary lengthy designs with tasteful low cuts at the décolleté or modest, on-the-top mini dresses.

We want products that successfully mix/match a hundred years of smart fashion, mini to floor-length. 1900s to 2020s style dresses. #Roaring20sAgain!