Preppin’ the Puppet for the Debate Stage

The Presidential nominees are gearing up for the first debate to take place on Thursday, July 27. Yes, President Joe Biden and President Donald Trump will be sparring for the first time for the 2024 election, which will be, no doubt, the most interesting presidential election cycle in our lifetimes for many reasons, starting with the fact that the first presidential debate will take place before both the DNC and RNC Conventions. Considering most presidential debates don’t occur until September, they’re already setting the stage for unusual events and timing for this 2024 election. 

The Significance of the 2024 Presidential Election

Nearly all pundits, political experts and strategists are stating that this election will be the most important election in the history of our country. So, why wouldn’t the normal protocol for debates be stretched and reimagined to fit in with the rest of the insanity unfolding? It almost seems like we’ve been living out a George Orwell novel with a dash of Hunger Games mixed together with the new Civil War movie and an absurd SNL sketch. And when you factor in all of the witch hunt trials Trump is forced to undergo, the proof of 2020 election cheating evidence (that we can now talk about on X), the incredibly fragile geo-political environment we are treading, and last but not least, a president who is clearly suffering from dementia, it is truly mind-boggling. They say fact is stranger than fiction, and the surreal state of the world right now perfectly exemplifies that old adage.

It is clear the world is at a tipping point, and the 2024 election is the tip of the spear. In watching other countries in South America and Europe, we are seeing a shift toward conservative leadership winning elections. From Javier Milei of Argentina to Nayib Bukele of El Salvador to the very recent right-wing wave in Europe—people are choosing leaders who are focused on smaller government and practical, common-sense solutions. When you see people in the UK and other countries chanting “Trump,” it is obvious that the world is looking to the U.S. to lead the charge. 

The globalist elite idealogues we have been inundated with since the 1990s are slipping. Leaders who believe in God and family and understand that our basic freedoms are inalienable rights given by our Creator are taking center-stage. This is a distinct juxtaposition to recent world leaders and unelected principals of NGOs like the World Economic Forum and the World Health Organization, who believe they are god-like and entitled to have power over the masses because they are clearly superior to us little folk. Add in those three-letter agencies to the mix, who have become drunk with power ever since shortly after WWII, and you have a recipe for disaster that has been building up to a crescendo—2024 is pivotal. We know the election was stolen in 2020; the people will not allow it to happen again.

The Magic of “The Don”

Anyone who’s witnessed one of Donald J. Trump’s rallies or previous debates knows he has a natural gift of driving his message in a way that is genuine and sometimes entertaining—with or without a teleprompter. He connects with his audience in an authentic and seemingly unrehearsed manner. He exudes charisma and has remarkable timing and a sharp wit—any comedian would be jealous of his natural abilities. But most important is that he knows his audience and truly respects them. Everyone knows he does NOT need this gig and the massive headaches that go along with it—he is doing it for the people. This is incredibly refreshing in a time where it is obvious most politicians just want to be elected because they have an agenda and they want to get rich (prove us wrong!).

How Will Joe Biden Be Ready to Rumble Against the “Boss” of All Debaters?

Joe’s got a major challenge in front of him. How does someone who is clearly mentally and cognitively challenged due to dementia even come close to the same level of debate skills as Donald Trump? Well, we normies know it is impossible. But of course, the lunatics on the left somehow believe that “their guy” Joe has what it takes. That is, of course, with a little help from his performance cocktail, which can temporarily increase lucidity and cognitive abilities…if you get the recipe just right. The first step is whisking Biden away to Camp David for a week-long prepping session.

Florida Republican Representative Byron Donalds was recently on Sunday Mornings with Maria Bartiromo discussing President Trump’s offer to the African-American base. He talked about how the CNN moderators will do everything they can to go after Trump. The conversation led to the “cheapfake” phenomenon being pushed by the left, where the mainstream media is reporting that videos showing Biden freeze up or look like he’s lost are nothing more than AI-fake digital technology. Donalds went on to debunk this ridiculously flagrant lie while reminding viewers that Joe Biden is incapable of going on the campaign trail like Donald Trump and that he “has to be in Camp David for seven-eight days to prepare himself to be in a 90-minute debate with Donald Trump.” 

There’s been a plethora of posts on X about the “Biden Cocktail.” @VigilantFox recently posted a list of five drugs Biden is taking, as reported by investigative journalist, Paul Sperry. Below is the post:

Of course, this list does not include some of the other drugs that are believed to assist with Joe’s cognitive decline. One X poster believes this includes inhibitors such as Cholinesterase coupled with Donepezil work by boosting levels of a chemical messenger involved in memory and judgment, which explains how at times you see Biden appear fully cognitive. And, of course, there’s always that cocaine floating around the White House. 

All of this has prompted White House Doctor Ronny Jackson to call for a pre-debate drug test for the candidates:

We think this is highly unlikely, especially given the fact that the Biden Administration has set all the rules with their propaganda state media, CNN. The fact that Trump-haters Jake Tapper (or “Fake Tapper” as Trump likes to call him) and Dana Bash are the moderators, with the power to shut down mics at will, and will undoubtedly ask loaded questions to try and make Trump look bad—despite all this, Trump will be the victor of this debate. The Dems are in real trouble, and no matter what they concoct in their secret laboratory to try and make Biden a formidable opponent, they will fail. 

Here is information on the upcoming debates:

Debate Schedule:

  1. June 27, 2024: The first presidential debate will be held on June 27, 2024, at 9:00 PM ET, hosted by CNN in Atlanta, Georgia. The debate will be moderated by Jake Tapper and Dana Bash of CNN.
  2. September 10, 2024: The second presidential debate will be held on September 10, 2024, at 9:00 PM ET, hosted by ABC News in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The debate will be moderated by David Muir and Linsey Davis of ABC News.

Debate Format:

  • Each debate will last 90 minutes, with two commercial breaks.
  • The debates will be divided into six segments, each lasting 15 minutes, with a 5-minute transition period between segments.
  • The topics for the debates have not been officially announced, but they are expected to cover a range of issues, including the economy, healthcare, foreign policy, and social issues.