Groundcloths - Coozies - Waxed Canvas Pouches - Bedrolls - Leather Pouches - Notebooks - Pan Covers - Travel Trays - Backpacks - Duffle Bags
Colorado Bushcraft is a small shop in Golden, Colorado, U.S.A., that specializes in quality handmade canvas and leather products. Our designs are unique and functional, with an eye towards simple and rustic outdoor gear that you'll be able to pass down for generations to come. There is something quite fascinating about the simpler times. With a nod towards Teddy Roosevelt and the Rough Riders of the late 1800's and early 1900's, we've evoked that rustic, yet functional charm. We use high-quality waxed canvas, beautiful and unique leathers, along with nylon and metal hardware. There is a unique charm that invokes a positive comment or a "where'd you get that" from everyone who sees the item.
We began this journey as a need to find affordable bushcraft gear we could use ourselves. That is why everything you see in the store was designed by us, handcrafted by us, and prototyped by us in the field. Everything is based on a need.
Each item is made one at a time and is unique. No two items are exactly the same. If you have an idea for a custom project, please feel free to contact us. If it's in our wheelhouse, we'll give you a quote.
Thank you for perusing our store. We provide unique outdoor related items at a value both new and veteran outdoors folk can enjoy. We know there are people just like you all over the world that would love to enjoy our handmade in the U.S.A. products.
We began this journey as a need to find affordable bushcraft gear we could use ourselves. That is why everything you see in the store was designed by us, handcrafted by us, and prototyped by us in the field. Everything is based on a need.
Each item is made one at a time and is unique. No two items are exactly the same. If you have an idea for a custom project, please feel free to contact us. If it's in our wheelhouse, we'll give you a quote.
Thank you for perusing our store. We provide unique outdoor related items at a value both new and veteran outdoors folk can enjoy. We know there are people just like you all over the world that would love to enjoy our handmade in the U.S.A. products.