Vendor Spotlight: Patriot Gold

Vendor Spotlight: Patriot Gold. Are you prepared for a recession?

There is growing concern within the financial industry that America is heading towards a recession. Some believe that we are already there. 

When you consider everything that is financially going on in America like uncontrollable inflation, the challenging rise in prices of goods and rising interest rates, it is reasonable to be concerned about where America is headed. Many American families are already feeling the impact of the economy on their wallets. 

Worse yet, too many good Americans were already living paycheck to paycheck and the stress is simply mounting. The thought of a recession will only make matters worse, and in some cases, bringing good Americans down to poverty levels. 

The hard question must be asked, are you prepared for an all out recession?

CEO of Patriot Gold Group, Jack Hanney has a response to this scenario. In an interview he gave several months ago, Jack said, "Over 90% of CEO's are now forecasting a recession in 2023. They're also forecasting that less than 40% of Americans are prepared for a recession due to what is called 'recession fatigue'."

In a statement made by Sarah Foster, a Bankrate analyst, Sarah said, "Recession depression, recession fatigue - whatever you want to call it, the hits to Americans' financial security keep on coming, first with the devastating coronavirus pandemic, followed by 40-year-high inflation and now the growing risk of another downturn." She continued, "Recession fatigue is the awkward cousin of revenge spending. Americans were deprived of so many activities that brought them joy. It's kind of like financial apathy."

The Solution

With all the doom and gloom of the potential financial crisis, one would think that they're only option is to brace themselves for whatever financial storm comes their way. But there's a solution that almost every American can pursue, gold and silver. 

In a Fox Business interview, David Russell, VP of market intelligence at the TradeStation said, "Gold and silver are go-to assets when traders are bearish on stocks and the economy. The commodities are also classic hedges against the kind of inflation we've seen in the last year. Right now, precious metals have a certain appeal because a lot of investors think stocks are overvalued and they view gold and silver as alternate assets." 

Russell continued, "Both metals could benefit from a recession and the Fed halting interest-rates hikes."

That's where Patriot Gold comes in handy. And being one of our merchants, you can rest assured that their company is led by true American patriots like CEO Jack Hanney who truly want to help our members. 

You can get started with preparing for a recession by going to the Patriot Gold page on our website by clicking HERE. Don't wait until it's too late and you're stuck saying, "I wish I jumped on this sooner." The time and opportunity is here and now - with Patriot Gold.

-Mammoth Nation

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