Bullets Both Ways® is a brand and apparel line created to promote and support protection measures in our nation's schools, houses of worship and communities. Schools and worship centers without armed protectors leave every person there vulnerable and make those schools and worship centers an open invitation to mass shooters. Bullets Both Ways® specifically believes in and promotes the arming of willing, trained, qualified school and worship center staff as a first layer of defense. Too many unchallenged, evil perpetrators out there...
Every purchase of our apparel and merchandise helps sponsor medical and firearm training scholarships for school staff who have volunteered and been vetted to become effective protectors in their environments.
We also want to motivate and rally the good guys and gals in our citizenry – those who are willing and able – to get the necessary training, continue to train and become an extra layer of protection to those around them. Let's brand our citizenry to show our youth and the general public that there are FAR MORE law-abiding, responsible gun owners out there than those who plot evil!
When evil shows up with the intent to destroy, we need Bullets Both Ways® as opposed to one way from an unchallenged perpetrator! Stand up | Represent | Prepare | Protect