Manicures 2 Go

Professional Manicure Kits For Anywhere At Anytime

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Manicure Kits - Refill Your Kit Products

Thou Shall Not DRILL!

Taking a break from gels and acrylics? Opting for a classic manicure sans the drill is just what you need because what happens in the nail salon doesn't have to stay in the nail salon.

As a busy Mom on a budget, nail appointments add to the stress of my overwhelming schedule, but that doesn't mean I'm OK with my nails looking cursed!

No Metal Files, Professional Salon Tools, Nippers That Really Cut, A Cuticle Eraser, A Cuticle Oil... All in a Small Case... You get it! Yes, you can do it. Just follow the flow chart (it has all the steps). Of course, your manicure won't be as good as your favorite nail tech's (at first), but you will be a slave no longer to anyone's schedule but your own.